Police Using Tecnhology to Crack Down on Canceled Insurance/Expired Registrations
We received a call from one of our insurance company Marketing Reps who was pulled over by the police because his registration (license plate) had expired. It turns out that the police officer was able to locate him using the latest license plate reader technology which allows them to read up to 30 plates PER SECOND. Believe it or not, if you have an expired registration the police can and often will have the car towed on the spot and leave you to find your own way home. They can also tell if your insurance has been canceled and they’ll definitely tow the car if that’s the case (your registration can expire while your insurance is still in good standing). Here’s a copy of an article on the subject: http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/x1498054455/License-plate-readers-help-police-scan-30-plates-a-second
It’s a headache no one needs, especially since it’s usually avoidable. One of our carriers, Plymouth Rock Assurance, offers a free eReminder service to all MA drivers, whether you’re insured with them or not. It will send you an email when your Registration, Inspection Sticker and Driver’s License are set to expire. Click on the link to sign up.