Does Car Insurance Cover Me While Riding a Bike?
The answer is that it very well may depending on the situation and what type of auto policy you have. Massachusetts Private Passenger Automobile policies include Uninsured Auto (UM) and Underinsured Auto (UIM) coverages which “… will pay damages for bodily injury to people injured or killed in certain accidents caused by uninsured or hit-and-run autos.” The policy further states “We will pay damages to or for: 1. You, while occupying your auto, while occupying an auto you do not own, or if injured as a pedestrian. 2. Any household member, while occupying your auto, while occupying an auto not owned by you or if injured as a pedestrian.” Court decisions have determined that a rider operating a bicycle on the roadways is a “pedestrian” therefore if you are riding and are injured by a car that has no insurance (usually canceled insurance) or a hit-and-run you should be able to find coverage for your injuries from your own policy. You should talk to your agent regarding your Liability and Uninsured/Underinsured limits as they can vary from State minimums of $20,000 Per Person/$50,000 Per Accident all the way up to $250,000/$500,000. $20,000/$40,000 limits won’t go very far if you are seriously injured. Also, in order to increase your Uninsured/Underinsured Auto limits you may need to increase your Liability limits because Uninsured/Underinsured limits cannot be higher than your Liability limits. Safe Riding!