August 4, 2015
AgencyChanges in Accident Surcharge Thresholds Effective 7/1/15
On July 17, 2015 the MA State Budget was signed by Governor Baker which included changes to the thresholds for motor vehicle accident surcharge points. The new thresholds are: Minor Accident: $1,000 to $5,000 (3 Points) and Major Accidents: $5,001 and over (4 points). Formerly the amounts were $500 – $2,000 for a Minor Accident […]
March 29, 2016
AgencyShould You Buy GAP Insurance From a Car Dealer?
Actually there are two questions that should be asked: 1. Do I need GAP Insurance 2. Where should I buy GAP Insurance? GAP insurance covers the difference (the GAP) between the car’s Actual Cash Value (often referred to as book value) and how much you owe on a car of your car is totaled. If you owe […]
December 15, 2016
AgencyPreventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes
With the cold weather upon us, here are some tips from the American Red Cross to help prevent frozen pipes and tips on thawing them if they do freeze: Most plumbing is located along the outside walls of the home making them vulnerable to freezing in extremely cold weather, particularly if there are areas of poor […]
July 11, 2017
AgencyTNC (Rideshare) Coverage
What is Ride-Sharing and does my personal insurance policy cover it? Answer: Ride-sharing, or Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) such as Uber and Lyft provide taxi-like services in Private Passenger Vehicles by connecting passengers with drivers via a smart phone app. No, your personal policy does not cover TNC activities unless your insurance carrier offers a […]
October 17, 2017
AgencyYou Put An Offer On a Home, Now The Lender Says You Need Flood Insurance
You put an offer on a home, now the lender tells you you’re in a flood zone and you need Flood Insurance. This is a situation that has been happening more frequently since the Flood Plain Maps were re-drawn in the Attleboro and surrounding towns in 2015-2016. Homes that were once in a Zone “X” […]
November 10, 2018
AgencyWhat you need to know about insurance when buying a condo
Your offer was accepted on a condo and the mortgage company is asking for an insurance binder for something called an H06 policy or a Unit Owners Policy, they may be using terms like “walls in” or “studs in” coverage. You call your insurance agent and now come the questions: 1. How much coverage do […]
March 19, 2019
AgencyFrequently Asked Questions About Homeowners Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions About Homeowners Insurance What information is needed in order to get a quote? In order to provide a quote, we will need the address of the home as well as the full name and date of birth of the person(s) to be named on the insurance policy. Additional underwriting information will be necessary to […]