3 Mill St. Ste. 3 | Attleboro, MA 02703
Fax: 508.465.3370

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Phase 1 COVID-19 Announcement


Phase 3 guidelines state that we should limit occupancy to 50% of our maximum occupancy limit, follow social distancing, maintain proper disinfecting/hygiene protocols and have employees work from home as much as possible. 

With this this in mind, we will maintain a limited staff presence in the office Monday through Friday from 10am - 4pm by appointment only.  In order to ensure a secure environment for our employees, the front door will remain locked and we will open the door for customer visits.   In person visits will be for necessary transactions only which cannot be done electronically (almost everything we do can be done electronically).  The number of clients allowed in the office will be limited to two at a time and masks or face coverings will be required; if you cannot wear one for medical reasons we will be happy to provide you with curbside service. We will be disinfecting the area after each customer visit.

We will continue to be available by phone, email, text, fax & online during our normal business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. 

As always, we can be contacted as follows:

Stay safe.

Rick DiGiacomo

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