3 Mill St. Ste. 3 | Attleboro, MA 02703
Fax: 508.465.3370

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Our office is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday and will reopen on Monday at 9am.  If you need to report a claim pease visit our claims page.  Also you may submit online quote and service requests by selecting from the menu above and you can make payments online to most of our carriers by clicking on the Online Payments link.  If you have an emergency and need to reach us directly, please fill out the Contact Form and we will be notified right away.  Have a great Holiday!

August 29, 9:05pm Update: We're still without power in the office and running on generator power; from the sounds of it we'll be without power for at least a few more days.  While we can take calls and have most of our functionality there are some things that take a little longer and we ask for your patience during this time.  Also, all of us in the office are still without power at home as well.
Please refer to our Claims page for additional info.

August 28, 1:55pm Update: We lost power at the office this morning as did most of the rest of Attleboro. We have forwarded our phones and are able to retrieve online messages (although there have been intermittent outages on the Cellular Data networks).  Our website, including our mobile site are fully functional and we have posted emergency claim contact info for our insurance companies and disaster restoration services.  We're also keeping an eye on Facebook, our page is www.facebook.com/holmaninsurance .  Please refer to our Claims page for additional info.

August 26, Hurricane Sandy is expected to cause widespread damage and power outages in the area starting on Sunday night.  Please click on our Blog for important emergency preparedness tips.  If you have an emergency which requires immediate assistance please fill out the Contact Us Form and we will be alerted via text message and email. If you need to submit a claim directly to your insurance insurance company you may click on the Claims Page which has contact information for all of our carriers, disaster restoration companies and emergency management services.  Also, emergency contact numbers are available on our office voicemail at 508-222-0794.

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